All posts by Stephen Byrne

Comparing Buy & Hold Investing to OmniFunds

There is no more classic approach to investing than "Buy and Hold".  The extensive use of Index Funds attests to its popularity.  In bull markets, this approach can certainly yield great returns, especially if the investor selects an Index Fund that is in a strong growth mode, like one based on Artificial Intelligence stocks. 

Is there is a way to get much higher returns than this "Buy & Hold" approach? OmniFunds is based on investing in lists of stocks, such as today's "A.I. Stocks" group. The difference is in how it switches between stocks to maximize gains and minimize draw downs. In this article, Steve Byrne shows a recent example that demonstrates a dramatic improvement in returns using the OmniFunds approach.

Click Here for Steve's Full Article, "Comparing Buy & Hold investing to OmniFunds"

Are AI Stocks Driving the Market?

Editor's Notes:   I am pleased to publish Steve Byrne's brilliant insights into the nature of the current market, as he describes it in "Are AI Stocks Driving the Market?"  Steve has continued to push forward with his research on identifying the best growth stocks. In this effort, he created a Portfolio called "TopAI" which uses the most liquid AI-centric stocks in the market and another on the Russell 3000 using similar filtering and ranking concepts to illustrate the similarity in performance between the two lists.  - Ed Downs

Click Here to download the "Are AI Stocks Driving the Market?" full article.

New OmniFunds

Steve used these Portfolios to bring out two new OmniFunds, ‘NAS100 & AI Mixed Growth’ and "NAS100 & RUSS3000 Mixed Growth", as featured below.

New OmniFund using Nasdaq 100 and Top AI Portfolios (10/18/24)

New OmniFund using Nasdaq 100 and Russell 3000 Portfolios (10/18/24)

OmniFund Development

In this article by OmniFunds designer Steve Byrne, he explains his philosophy and approach to creating winning OmniFunds. 

"My Omnifund development is primarily focused on specificity, not diversification. Each fund employs numerous safeguards, including rigorously tested filters and switches. My strategy aims to maximize returns by continuously investing in the top performing stocks.

An Omnifund is a precision tool, employing ranking and switching. In its basic form, it can rank a list of stocks based on any given criteria. For instance, in 2020, one of my Omnifunds ranked TSLA at the top of the ranking for growth stocks, a position it held for most of the year. An investment in TSLA for the whole of 2020 would have returned over 600%. Similarly, in 2023, NVDA was the top-ranked growth stock for most of the year, promising a return on investment of over 250%. Even during the market downturn of 2022, an investment in XLE would have returned over 50%.

Omnifunds are not rigid. They can switch in and out of stocks, adapting to market conditions. For instance, if a stock at the top of the ranking enters a downturn, an Omnifund can swiftly switch into the next stock in the ranking that is trending up. A market-state switch can also be set to exit any trades during a market downturn. Ranking switches and the market-state switch can be adjusted independently to limit drawdowns, showcasing the Omnifund’s adaptability.

Regular switching of ranked stocks can increase the benefit of compounding, provided they are switched at the right time.  Diversification can be introduced by using different ranking criteria, but the criteria should have a solid foundation; any reduction in returns should be avoided.

Black swan events can be minimized by using an appropriate ranking list, e.g., the Top 20 high-cap stocks NAS100. In addition, an Omnifund can avoid whipsaws by using an appropriate filter. Trading through Earnings can also be avoided.

Drawdowns are inevitable for any investment. Remember, unless equity is realized immediately following a drawdown, the loss has not actually been incurred.  If investors require diversity in their investments, it would probably be beneficial to invest in several different Omnifunds (future Omnifund feature).  Each Omnifund should have its own distinctive ranking criteria.

Finally, I like to use a horse racing analogy to clarify my position regarding specificity.   Imagine you're at a horse racing event, and you have the option to bet on multiple horses in a race. Diversifying your bets would mean spreading your money across several horses, hoping one of them wins. My approach with Omnifunds is like studying, by rigorous analysis, each horse's past performances and their current form, and then placing my bet on the one horse that has the highest likelihood of winning.

Instead of spreading my bets thin and hoping for the best, I put my money on the horse with the best odds of winning. If that horse starts to falter, I can quickly switch my bet to the next best horse, always keeping my money on the strongest contender at any given moment. I know I will be on the winner at the end of the race."

Steve Byrne

OmniFunds Associate: Stephen G. Byrne

OmniFunds by Stephen G. Byrne.  Steve has been an avid user and contributor on OmniFunds since it was first released in 2016, and been highly instrumental in the testing of OmniFunds 2 in 2024.  He performed thousands of hours of research to develop the two OmniFunds that have been released in OmniFunds 2, NAS100 Medium Growth and NAS100 Safe Harbor.  Below are his descriptions of each.  - The OmniFunds 2 Team

Performance as of May 15, 2024.   
Click here for recent performance.

About NAS100 Medium Growth

"This OmniFund is designed to capitalize on the explosive growth potential of FANG-like stocks. It is comprised of a selection of High-Cap. stocks from the NAS100 Index List. The average annual growth over the last fifteen years is over 50%.

The selected stocks are stocks with a proven track record. Top-performing stocks showing signs of short-term downtrends are promptly replaced. During market-wide downturns, the Market-State filter ensures that investments remain protected.

The selected stocks are High-Cap. Stocks which are less prone to whipsaws, nevertheless, protection is added to avoid high growth spikes or big sell offs that typically appear at Earnings Dates.

This OmniFund highlights the benefits of compounding; the results since 2019 have been outstanding. The Omnifund blew past the market downturn of 2022."

- Stephen G. Byrne

IFM Disclaimer:   Before engaging any OmniFund, potential investors are urged to review the Explore Page to examine the historical trades so they understand the types of symbols and allocations that are used in the OmniFund.

Performance is as of May 15, 2024.
Click Here for recent performance.

About Safe Harbor

"For those seeking a conservative approach without compromising on potential gains, this Medium Growth Omnifund is the perfect choice. It is designed with a focus on robustness and safety.

The selected stocks are High-Cap. Stocks which are less prone to whipsaws, nevertheless, protection is added to avoid high growth spikes or big sell offs that typically appear at Earnings Dates.

Stability is prioritized in this Omnifund while still offering opportunities for significant short-term gains, especially during market uptrends.

This Omnifund will give you peace of mind, knowing your investments are safe. Drawdowns are limited, as are market downturns."

- Stephen G. Byrne

IFM Disclaimer:   Before engaging any OmniFund, potential investors are urged to review the Explore Page to examine the historical trades so they understand the types of symbols and allocations that are used in the OmniFund.